What is a VSAT?
VSAT or Very Small Aperture Terminals are small, software-driven
earth stations used
for the reliable transmission of data, video, or voice via satellite. It
requires no staff or additional technology to operate it. It simply plugs
into existing terminal equipment.
A VSAT network consists of a central hub (master earth station), many
remote VSATs, and the satellite transponder space segment. The hub
station is always larger than the remote VSATs and is frequently located
near the user's main data processing center. A VSAT is located at each
end-user location, which can consist of several dozen to several
thousand sites. From a communications perspective, there are two
segments within the network transmission process. They include the
earth segment, which consists of the equipment at the hub and VSAT
locations; and the space segment, which is the link to and from the
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